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Category Archives: Uncategorized

April yoga classes

Mondays 6 pm Tuesdays 11 am

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We love to walk this trail where October pours its gold over it near sunset. The radiance of the sun makes our shortened daylight brilliant to behold. It is of course harvest time where we are, a time for readying ourselves to go inside, to savor the fruits of the seeds we’ve planted and nurtured […]

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A stand of black-eyed Susans is full of sunshine and even though it’s a reminder that summer’s ending for this year here, the blossoms leave this beautiful season with a smile. September begins with the order of back-to-school and restored daily routine. With that, we come inside and embrace the next season with renewed resolve […]

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Little Miracles

Each day is filled with little miracles. Yesterday, while we were having lunch in an oceanside restaurant, a German lady dressed in flowing and colorful clothes, laid two roses on the floor by my chair, hurriedly told us to guard them and then ran off as we looked on a little bewildered. She returned within a few […]

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